Trivia Night with Supporters, Students, and Staff

On Tuesday, December 1, BEAM supporters, students, and staff joined together for a night of math trivia, fancy pizza, and fun, supporting BEAM's 2016 program.  

BEAM guests and students at trivia night

After a dinner of pizza, pasta, salad, and meatballs, guests joined teams (each a mix of adults and students) to answer questions about some of BEAM's favorite topics: math, of course, but also sports, board games, pop music, and more!  

Trivia team hard at work

After four rounds of trivia, the top three teams were invited to the Countdown Round. 

Countdown Round

With two correct answers provided by Rashik, (Mercury and Venus don't have moons; Colorado is one of two states with perfectly rectangular borders), the winning team was "Yay, Winners!"  It turns out that was a great choice of team name. 

Yay, Winners! celebrates their trivia win

Thanks to everyone for making the event such a great night, including our trivia hosts, Big Quiz Thing, and the venue, Gran Morsi. We will be back next year for another wonderful night; if you missed it this time, join our mailing list to hear about the next event!