BEAM makes up to a 10-year commitment to each of the students in our Pathway Program: we will support your academic and personal development to help you achieve your dreams in math and science.

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In the Pathway Program, students (grades 8-12) are invited to a variety of year-round enrichment activities, including weekend classes, special trips and lab visits, drop-in office hours, and more.

During weekend classes, students take both a "Things You Need to Know" (TYNTK) course and a "Math Enrichment" course. The content of TYNTK is based on the student's grade:

  • 8th graders: high school admissions and algebra;
  • 9th and 10th graders: study skills and life skills;
  • 11th graders: SAT prep and college application support;
  • 12th graders: college applications and college prep.

Meanwhile, enrichment classes connect students back with the math they love: number theory, genetics, circuit design, programming, and more.

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Throughout high school, students receive individualized advising to keep them on-track academically, and to help them apply to summer programs and internships that will support their continued study. Students are also eligible to receive direct financial support to attend rigorous summer STEM programs.

Students receive guidance on college applications, help visiting colleges, and tailored support with financial aid. (Given that Black and Latinx students are much more likely to attend schools in which the student-to-counselor ratio is more than 250 to 1, these supports are especially important to bridge the opportunity gap for BEAM students.)

BEAM also hosts twice-weekly office hours run by staff and volunteers. Students drop in to work on anything from homework to college applications to individual projects.

In addition, BEAM staff is always available to help students overcome whatever hurdles show up in their paths, including navigating the education bureaucracies in New York City and Los Angeles.

2012 Cohort Goes to College